28 August 2011

The time of the month

Menstruation, a taboo or blessing? A story told by women, their parners and communities from all over the world

More stories on society, gender, growing up, love, culture, steriotypes and many more on Metropolis website

18 August 2011

Love Your Vagina Song

Love Your Vagina song brought to you by Mooncup. In this case it's not about what you think of the Mooncup, we just find the song inspirational and hilarious!

07 August 2011

Inspirational movies: Evening (2007)

Evening (2007) is a more than your usual chick flick... Set paralelly in 1950s US and nowadays it explores the mother-daughter relationships, female friendship, making important life choices and living with them afterwards, pursuing your dreams and trying to do what you feel like even if the spirit of your time or rational reasoning do not seem to support you.

Perfect for an august evening!